Tarra Lu Tarra Lu

When Your Friends and Family Don't Support Your Art

Growing up, I always knew I had a passion for art. From doodling in the margins of my school notebooks to spending hours lost in the world of colors and shapes, creating art was my refuge, my sanctuary. But when I mustered the courage to share my dreams of becoming an artist with my family, I was met with skepticism and disapproval.

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Tarra Lu Tarra Lu

Boosting Confidence as a Female Artist

I recently made a bold decision that, at first glance, may seem unrelated to my life as an artist. I cut my hair. It wasn't a spontaneous decision fueled by a sudden burst of courage; it came after months of dealing with postpartum shedding that refused to resolve itself. I'll admit, the prospect of chopping off my locs filled me with nerves.

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